by Alan Robert
Published by IDW Publishing
When I purchased The Beauty of Horror Coloring Book last year it stunned me in more ways than one.
First of all, as most readers know I adore cutesy, whimsical art work …particularly bunnies. I expected that I would dislike Beauty of Horror because, quite frankly, horror and my love of cute bunnies are not compatible.
One thing that is always a constant with me, is that I love good art and I really love great art. Great art, in my opinion, is art that makes you feel something. The lines on the page bring about an emotion that you respond to, that you cannot control.
The Beauty of Horror Coloring Book does not have good art. It has great art. I was probably the most surprised of anyone when I fell in love with this book. The creepiness of the imagery and the way it connects with your own imagination sent chills up my spine. You just know that the art is great when the book is nowhere near me, and I can still recall the creepiness of it and the spine chills start. Beauty of Horror Coloring Book, in my opinion, is still the best horror colouring book on the market and well deserves its best seller status.
As well as the art work in Beauty of Horror what impressed me was the attention to detail in the published book. As you will see from my review of Beauty of Horror I was particularly impressed with the complementary colours, luxury card cover and the high quality paper. In a world of mass produced coloring books, the presentation and printing in this horror colouring book forms a luxury product at an affordable price.

date created: 2006:06:06 | release references: MR1.jpg PR1.jpg | release status: MR_PR | date created: 2006:06:30
Well …she’s back!
In September 2017 The Beauty of Horror II will be released – Ghouliana’s Creepatorium – Another GOREgeous Coloring Book.

Sneak peek of The Beauty of Horror II (images supplied and used with the consent of IDW Publishing)
Ghouliana has always given me the creeps and I love this about her.
In the sea of colouring books that I live in, she stands out, she’s memorable and she’s still super creepy.
From the cover we can see Ghouliana surrounded by beautifully intricate snakes and skeletal outlines.
Alan Robert’s publishers, IDW have ensured that the new book is consistent with the first by using the same colour scheme on the cover and adding accents of red, in a deliciously ghoulish touch.
It appears that IDW will be producing the book with the same layout that worked so well for The Beauty of Horror and with the same page count.
Looking at Ghouliana in the sneak peeks of the new book with her cauldron and cheesy grin makes my spine tingle.
As always, Alan Robert has included the truly bizarre in this book. The sneak peek of the stroller and tentacles have put my imagination into overdrive.
Get ready for your creepy fix in September 2017 when Beauty of Horror II will be released.
Beauty of Horror II is now available for pre-order. I can’t wait for September when Her creepiness arrives!
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Happy (creepy) colouring x
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