Adult Coloring Book Reviews

The Wildwood Soiree Coloring Book Review

The Wildwood Soiree Buy on Etsy|Buy from Etailer
by Annie Stegg Gerard
on September 2018
Style: color inspiration images, Paper: Medium to Heavy, Perforated pages, single page illustrations
Pages: 64
Format: Card cover
The Wildwood Soiree Coloring Book Review

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The Wildwood Soiree Coloring Book Video Review

I hope you enjoyed the video review of  The Wildwood Soiree  Coloring Book illustrated by Annie Stegg Gerard.

Annie Stegg Gerard’s first coloring book,   The Moonlit Vale stole the heart of many a colorist around the world.   You can see my review of  The Moonlit Vale here.


Coloring Book Cover & Layout

The Wildwood Soiree is only a small book, measuring 8 x 8 inches.    A dressed to impress colored fox features on the matte cover with gold foil highlights.   The back cover features the detailed line art that fans of  The Moonlit Vale will be familiar with.

As a high-end coloring book, it’s no surprise that the 135lb paper is perforated for ease of removal.    In addition to the single page illustrations, ready for framing, there are 12 stunning colored images to inspire you or frame.

Art Work

It was such a struggle for me to buy this book (both my love and I haven’t had an income for over 4 months) and I was so excited when it arrived.  When I first opened The Wildwood Soiree I nearly cried.   All that scrimping was worth it!   It would be very difficult for an animal lover that loves anthropomorphism to resist it.  My only regret …is not being able to buy two.

Annie’s artwork is highly textured and detailed.   Lines have been drawn to guide the colorist coloring fur and clothing on the adorable animals.    The lines are dull black and Annie varies the line from fine to medium.     You will also find some solid black within the pictures as well.

Each animal is outfitted in clothing luxurious for the time which I think is Victorian, but I’m not sure.   Lacy bonnets, lots of ruffles and bows feature throughout the book.   The background is full of nature in the form of trees, plants or florals that suit both the title of the book and connect The Moonlit Vale.

These illustrations are printed on a smaller size coloring book than most colorists are used to.     Each illustration is centred and framed with a decorative border on one side of the page.  Due to the amount of detail within the small space, colorists with a minor visual impairment may find the images challenging.   If that is the case,  I would recommend using a magnifying lamp and having shorter coloring sittings than normal.

Each of the illustrations has been named at the foot of the page.   This will make it easier for colorists to share their work on social media and identify the page.    There is also space to write your name at the foot of the page.    The names are hilarious and I find it impossible not to smile when I look at Lady Cordelia Snowmittens!

Annie Stegg Gerard has found a way to top the beauty of  The Moonlit Vale with this luxury coloring and art book combined.

Detail Level


Where to buy

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Happy coloring x


About the author


I'm Lea and I love everything to do with coloring! If it is a coloring book, a poster or even a bookmark that you can color in, I'm all over it. Of course, a girl has to have some pencils, markers, gelly rolls, pastels and what not to make those pictures pretty and I love those as well.

Whilst my coloring style lacks skill, I am enthusiastic and focused on enjoying the moment and having fun.

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