by Eriy
Style: Contains Extras, double page printing
Format: Dust Jacket

Be transported to the fantasy world of Cocot. Enjoy the journey through these beautiful pages waiting for you to color in. Explore the townships, villages and stores that make up the region in Cocot. Wander into the countryside and discover mermaids, fairies and even witches.
An amazingly detailed coloring book that combines beautiful craftsmanship with a calming imaginary world.
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Romantic Country – The Third Tale Coloring Book Review
Romantic Country is a series of coloring books by talented Japanese artist, Eriy. The Third Tale is the third book in the series of Romantic Country and I really hope that there is another one or two in the works as well 🙂
At the time of writing, the English versions of Romantic Country – The Second Tale and Romantic Country – The Third Tale are not available. They will be published in late 2016.
The Third Tale is in the same format as the first book. It has a dust jacket that can be removed which will reveal a book with a printed design on kraft paper type card. Initially, I had thought coloring brown kraft paper may be unattractive. I have now seen many images online using this method and the result is stunning.
The start of the book has a plain title page. Something that has surprised me with the Romantic Country series is the lack of a nameplate page. As Eriy, is such a detailed artist I am surprised that the nameplate page has been omitted from the books. Books like Dagdrommar, have spoilt me and I now expect a beautiful nameplate page surrounded with related imagery in all my coloring books. A double page of information follows. Sadly, I cannot read this as it is not in English. I presume it is an introduction from the author.
Eriy, always likes her audience to get their bearings in the land of Cocot. Romantic Country – The Third Tale is no different. We are provided with an overview map of the region, together with the main characters in the book, Joset and Elena.
The region is then divided into areas that will be featured in the illustrations. You will become acquainted with the area within Sarryska Island – Weiss Forest, Pimbul Mountains and Mollis Sea. Moving on we see the area of Cocot North including the Krustallos Castle and Yowgust Forest. We then are shown the South of Cocot featuring Visce Island, Aaliyah Castle, Flandre’s Vineyard and the Taine River. Finally, we explore the last region being Melati Island featuring Ambrose Castle and the Senay Palace.
Romantic Country – The Third Tale is divided into 5 chapters in the same way as the previous books were. The paper is white and quite good quality. The line work is crisp and clear but a dullish black rather than the sharp black most coloring books feature. The line work is consistent throughout the book which is surprising considering the method of applying lines that the artist uses.
Chapter 1 – is titled Peaceful days in the North. We commence the journey with a Christmas theme of trees and a snowman. Along the way we explore the stores and watch the little girl post a letter to Santa Claus. The balance of this chapter features beautiful produce laden, interiors of detailed homes and the snowcapped castle and trees of the countryside. As always, the little duck features in most of the images.

Romantic Country – The Third Tale: Chapter 1 – Village Life
Chapter 2 – Cheerful Life in the South – in this chapter it mainly focuses on the countryside. There are lots of outdoor images, reading in the garden, farm scenes, crushing grapes, the harvest preserved, a flower stall and the like. In this section, you will find some beautifully detailed illustrations including a sideboard laden with crockery, a library full of books and a double page spread of a circus scene.

Romantic Country – The Third Tale: Chapter 2 – Tea Time Tools
In Chapter 3- Beautiful Scenes of the Islands – we see crests or symbols that represent each island, palaces, spice shops and some other shops like a lamp shop.

Romantic Country – The Third Tale: Chapter 2
Chapter 4 – is titled Good Time for Elena and Josel. The commencing images features a horse drawn sleigh laden with goodies, presumably purchased in the previous chapter. On top of the sleigh there is a cute cat on the chair and of course the duck. There are a number of outdoor illustrations in this chapter featuring Spring, including picnics, icecream and a maypole.

Romantic Country – The Third Tale: Chapter 4 – Time for Adventures
Chapter 5 concludes the book with The Passage of Time in the Secret Forest. Eriy, has ticked all the coloring book buttons in this chapter by including fairies in the forest, mermaids, a witch, magic potions and of course, a unicorn and to finish elves at a tea party.

Romantic Country – The Third Tale: Chapter 5 – Elves at Tea
Whilst the images are on double sided paper, always a pet hate with me, I forgive Eriy. I couldn’t imagine this book in any other way to be honest. It suits the story book nature of the book. Yes, the images do flow into the spine of the book. Again, I forgive Eriy for this, as the book lays down flat for coloring with only a bit of gentle prodding. You should have no difficulty in coloring the centre area.
Everytime, I look at any of the Romantic Country coloring books I am amazed. The imagination that Eriy has to concoct this fantasy land with the amount of detail stuns me. At the end of the book, there is a legend of the places in the book. Unfortunately, this is not in English so I cannot translate it for you.
Romantic Country – The Third Tale Coloring Book Video Review
I hope you enjoy the video review of Romantic Country – The Third Tale. I’m sure you can tell, without even looking at the rating that I love this book.
Where to Buy Romantic Country – The Third Tale Coloring Book
Japanese Edition
Japan | Etailer | Yes Asia – Free Shipping |
English Imprint
Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon Canada | Book Depository |
Happy coloring x
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