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If you are looking for a fast and easy gift for someone that shows off your colored work then these quick keyrings may be the answer. Â Just watch the short video above to see how easy it is.
Quick Keyrings from Completed Colored Pages
In a fit of madness one night when coloring I selected the wrong color marker on a page that I was working on. Of course, if I had color swatched my bic markers that may not have happened but I didn’t 🙂
When I started to color I realised that I just did not fancy the page and the way that the color changed the look. There were still some bits thought that I liked.
Rather than investing more time in the page I stopped coloring it.
Hubby is always supporting of my attempts at coloring, so I felt that I should try and save the piece. That’s when I decided to upcycle it as a keyring 🙂
Of course, I used a page where I had made a mistake on it, but if you have a gorgeous element or part of a picture that you love you can, of course, use that!
What you will need
Simply hop on to your favorite online store or discount shop and search for “photo frame keyrings”. I bought mine from Ebay at a cost of about $1.50AUD each. As I couldn’t make up my mind which shape I wanted, I purchased three different designs.
These photo frame keyrings come in different designs – plain acrylic perspex or metal edging in different shapes. Â I thought the metal edged ones looked better for gift giving so I chose them.
[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”B00S5WFW62″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mygamingweb-20″ width=”500″] [easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”B0171GTAI8″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mygamingweb-20″ width=”500″]You can use these keyrings for colored pages that you do not want to finish or didn’t turn out as you had hoped.
You will also need a [easyazon_link identifier=”B000V1QV7O” locale=”US” tag=”mygamingweb-20″]craft knife[/easyazon_link] or a pair of scissors.
[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”B000V1QV7O” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mygamingweb-20″ width=”500″]As I was using the desk that I film my coloring book reviews on, I protected the surface with a [easyazon_link identifier=”B0015AOIYI” locale=”US” tag=”mygamingweb-20″]craft mat[/easyazon_link] before I went wild cutting. Â If you don’t have a craft mat you could use thick cardboard to protect the surface.
[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”343″ identifier=”B0015AOIYI” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mygamingweb-20″ width=”500″]What to do
The keyring should come with a paper insert that you can use as a template. Â Simply place the template on the colored page that you would like to use for your keyrings. Â You can use any part of the page that you fancy. Â You might want to just capture a particular element or color …so just move your template to that area of the page. Â Cut around the template with your craft knife. Â If you find that your template is moving around, you can stick it to the page with low tack masking tape or washi tape.
Once you have cut out your shape it’s time to turn it into a keyring
- Unclip the chain part of your keyring and gently push your cut colored page behind the transparent cover.
- Reattach the chain.
- Admire your handiwork.
- Consider who you will give your keyring to, whether you will keep it yourself or maybe make a batch as stocking stuffers.
Happy coloring x
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