Seasons What's New

Mein Spaziergang durch die Jahreszeiten : Ausmalen und durchatmen. Die schönsten Motive

Mein Spaziergang durch die Jahreszeiten : Ausmalen und durchatmen. Die schönsten Motive Buy on Book Depository|Buy on Amazon UK
by Rita Berman
on 27 July 2018
Pages: 128
Mein Spaziergang durch die Jahreszeiten : Ausmalen und durchatmen. Die schönsten Motive

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Fans of  German illustrator and all round talent, Rita Berman will be thrilled to know that she has a new book due for release on 27 July, 2018.   The book’s German title is  Mein Spaziergang durch die Jahreszeiten : Ausmalen und durchatmen. Die schönsten Motive,  which roughly translates to “My walk through the seasons”.     This coloring book is a compilation of  Rita’s favorite illustrations from her Mein Walk or seasons based coloring books.      

Of course you may already have all of these books in the series,   Mein Sommerspaziergang  Mein Winterspaziergang, Mein Herbstspaziergang and Mein Frühlingsspaziergang and you may not need another book that already contains illustrations you may already have and not colored as yet.

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At the time of writing, the dimensions for the book have not been published. From the publisher’s site though the book does look like it will be larger. I am only assuming that though as this may just be a promotional graphic.

I assume it will be a larger format as the book would be quite bulky with 128 images rather than the usual 80. I’ll update this post when I have further information.

Where to pre order

Amazon  UK       Book Depository

Happy coloring x


About Rita Berman

Rita Berman is an illustrator, artist and creator of  handmade items.   Based in Germany her work is distinctive by the whimsical style that is shown across all her projects.

About the author


I'm Lea and I love everything to do with coloring! If it is a coloring book, a poster or even a bookmark that you can color in, I'm all over it. Of course, a girl has to have some pencils, markers, gelly rolls, pastels and what not to make those pictures pretty and I love those as well.

Whilst my coloring style lacks skill, I am enthusiastic and focused on enjoying the moment and having fun.

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  • Hi. I wasn’t able to reply on the Rita Berman (absolutely love her work) review page but I clicked on your link to Book Depository and the new book is available for pre-order (ready in apx 100 days). Amazon UK didn’t have any info yet. If you could please double check that Book Depository is offering the correct book that would be AWESOME. Thank you for your site, sharing your talent along with everything else:) Cindy

    • The links are for the new book (a compilation of her 4 season based coloring books) which is available for pre-order. It is due for release on 27 July 2018. Happy coloring x