Adult Coloring Book Reviews People

Kapka Stesti Coloring Book Review

Kapka Stesti Coloring Book Buy on Amazon US|Buy from the Artist/Author|Buy from Etailer
by Lenka Filonenko
Published by Self Published on 2017
Style: Paper: medium quality, single page illustrations
Pages: 21
Format: Card cover, Digital download, Spiral Bound

I received this product for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the product or the content of my review.

Kapka Stesti  Coloring Book Review

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Kapka Stesti  Coloring Book Video Review

I hope you enjoyed the video review of Kapka Stesti Coloring Book which translates to Drops of Happiness.

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Kapka Stesti  Coloring Book  Review

Kapka Stesti is a coloring book that embraces the moments of happiness that we experience in everyday life.   It may be the simple joy of having a coffee (my favorite thing!) or just taking a moment to smell the flowers in the garden.    Often in life, people expect happiness to relate to a big event,  but in reality, most feelings of happiness are made of small incremental or isolated events.   Sometimes, we often think our happiness will only come when something happens in the future.  It can often take a glitch in life to realize that we need to enjoy and celebrate each moment.  This coloring book is a good reminder to celebrate the joy of discovery of everyday things in life that can give you that drop of happiness.    The more drops of happiness that you able to pack into your life the greater the benefit.

Cover & Layout

The glossy cover is partially colored and features a young girl enjoying the sunshine shining through the rain.     On the back cover, there is information about the artist.

Kapka Stesti is wire bound at the top making it handy for colorists that are left-handed.     However, it is also available as a PDF digital download if you wanted to use your own paper, print numerous times or save on shipping costs.

The coloring book measures approximately 11.5 in x  8 1/4  (approximately A4 sized) not taking into account the spiral binding.

Ancillary Pages

At the start of the book, you will find a heart decorating rising out of a sun and moon design.    Surrounding this is text in Czech some of which has been attributed to an author.    I assume that this is a note about enjoying the moments of happiness in our life.



Illustrations in this book are printed on one side only of the smooth white medium paper (approximately 200 gm).     All of the positions have been centered and positioned on the page to ensure that it does not abut the binding but also producing a well-balanced look on the page.

Coloring Book Images and Illustrations

This is the sort of book that you need to take a moment to reflect on the image.    As the theme of the book is  “drops of happiness” by looking at each image in isolation you can see the drop of happiness experienced from really studying a butterfly, enjoying time with your favorite pet reading, being a kid again and swinging while the animals watch on.

My favorite picture is of the girl enjoying her coffee and book.    That picture sums up every morning for me, when I take my dogs to the local coffee shop and sometimes sit down, read the newspaper and enjoy my morning cappuccino ritual.    Going out for coffee is one of my favorite things to do and it truly is my moment of happiness.    When time is an issue,  I grab a take-away coffee and replace the book with a computer while I answer emails, comments, and the like.

This is the type of coloring book that reminds you that you don’t need a lot to experience happiness each day and you don’t need a lot of money to do it either.    Most of the pictures that have been included in this book involve enjoying the everyday things that happen around you or that you can dream about.

Colorists that love coloring skin and hair will notice that there is a woman in each image.   You will also find interior scenes and elements of nature to color as well.   Some of the images have ample white space to add some background pizzazz to if you wished.

Colorists that have a minor visual impairment will be pleased with this book.    The line art is black, crisp with varying line weights of  fine to heavy making it easy to see.   The larger size of the pages also allows for many of the images to have large open areas to color.     Of course, the book does contain artwork with varying degrees of complexity and some images may have too much detail to color in one sitting if you have a minor visual impairment or motor impairment.

Detail Level


Where to buy Kapka Stesti (Drops of Happiness Coloring Book) – Spiral Bound

Amazon US Artist Czech Etailer

Where to buy Kapka Stesti (Drops of Happiness Coloring Book) – PDF Edition

Artist’s site here

Happy coloring x



About Lenka Filonenko

Lenka is originally from Žilina in Slovakia but now lives in Czech. She inherited her love of art from her Grandfather and designer mother. Lenka spends her days illustrating, painting, gardening and caring for her children. She blogs about her art journey and has another blog devoted to her garden in Prague.

About the author


I'm Lea and I love everything to do with coloring! If it is a coloring book, a poster or even a bookmark that you can color in, I'm all over it. Of course, a girl has to have some pencils, markers, gelly rolls, pastels and what not to make those pictures pretty and I love those as well.

Whilst my coloring style lacks skill, I am enthusiastic and focused on enjoying the moment and having fun.

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