Coloring Pencils/Pens/Markers Product Reviews

GeeRic Opaque Acrylic Markers

Written by coloringqueen

GeeRic Opaque Acrylic Markers – Features

  • These dual-tip budget acrylic paint markers come in packs of 24/36 and 72. I am reviewing the set of 36
  • Acrylic paint markers are useful for colorists for coloring on canvas, coloring pages, color by numbers books or to add highlights to pages already completed in watercolor, pencils, or alcohol markers


  • the 2mm fine tip and 3mm tip offers a great range of color in both large and fine details. Surprisingly the larger tip is easier to use on its side for fine details
  • the markers can be used on a range of surfaces including paper, canvas, stone, glass, fabric, and wood
  • you can lay down a darker color of marker and once dry lay a lighter color over it to create different effects
  • it’s easy to create simple dot effects by using the large tip marker
  • for adding highlights to coloring pages they are easier to use, in my opinion, than my Posca markers as they are easy to control the flow of paint
  • the markers are “juicy” without leaving blobs of paint on your work and dry smooth


  • the markers do not have a number or name making it difficult to locate which marker you have used previously. I created a label for each marker with a corresponding number
  • there is only one red in the set and too few purples; a greater variety is needed for most colorists
  • although the markers are advertised as opaque in my test on my coloring book the lighter colors (oranges) were not effective at hiding the “number” which still was evident after coloring
  • the black marker did ghost to the back of the page although it is advertised that it will not bleed through

Swatch Chart

You can see my swatch of the GeeRic Acrylic Paint Markers below. The markers were used on standard white copy paper. I sorted the markers roughly into color families and then gave them a number which I taped to the marker.

Where to Buy GeeRic Opaque Acrylic Markers

The brand of markers appears to be a “white label” brand; ie you may see the same product with a different brand name on it but made by the same manufacturer. Some brands that may sell this product include – Diboniur, Aiguang, Skyglory

Amazon US (24 set) | USA Etailer | Amazon UK | Amazon AU

The main acrylic paint marker manufacturer, Posca, is expensive to purchase particularly in sets. This budget set can allow the colorist to enjoy the acrylic markers and incorporate them into their work without the expense.

Happy coloring x


About the author


I'm Lea and I love everything to do with coloring! If it is a coloring book, a poster or even a bookmark that you can color in, I'm all over it. Of course, a girl has to have some pencils, markers, gelly rolls, pastels and what not to make those pictures pretty and I love those as well.

Whilst my coloring style lacks skill, I am enthusiastic and focused on enjoying the moment and having fun.

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