Coloring Postcards & Posters Product Reviews

The One and Only Elephant Parade Postcard Colouring Book Review

Elephant Parade Postcard Colouring Book
Written by coloringqueen
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Published by Phoenix Yard Books Style: cardstock, charitable works, single page illustrations
Pages: 60
Format: Card cover, Postcards

The Elephant Parade is based on worldwide exhibitions and shows to generate power to conserve elephants and bring awareness to their plight.
There are Elephant Parades all over the world which feature art in the form of decorated elephant statues.

The statues are decorated by artists and celebrities. A compilation of some of the images used in past Elephant Parades has been compiled into this postcard coloring book.

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Elephant Parade Postcard Colouring Book Review

The One and Only Elephant Parade Postcard Colouring Book is based on the art work that artists use around the worldwide to decorate elephant statues for the Elephant Parade.    There are Elephant Parades in all parts of the  world including Amsterdam, Antwerp, Bangkok, Bergen, Calais, California, Copenhagen, Emmen and Florianópolis.    I was wondering why I had never heard of the Elephant Parade but looking at the list, I see Australia is absent.  You can read more about the Elephant Parade in your country here.

Nothing warms my heart more than a good cause.     I’m a bit of a marshmallow and I love elephants so buying The One and Only Elephant Parade Postcard colouring book was an easy decision for me.   The designs are from various Elephant Parades held in the past and details of the Parade and the artist are on the back of each card.  Proceeds from each book sold will go to the main Elephant Parade office to be distributed to aid “elephant welfare and conversation projects worldwide”.

The postcard book is larger than most postcard colouring books measuring in at 14.5 cm x 22 cm (5 3/4 in x 8 3/4 in approximately).   The glossy card cover protects 30 detachable postcards that are easily removed.   The illustrations are printed on white cardstock which is very good quality.     The illustrations are printed well with crisp, black line work making it easy to see.   The illustrations run right to the spine but the perforation finishes approximately 0.5 cm before.

Illustrations are printed to the spine with the perforation before the spine

Illustrations are printed to the spine with the perforation before the spine

I am guessing that this was printed this way to ensure that during the printing process the full image always remains on the card that can be detached.   On the rear of each image is the address label details, should you wish to part and post your colorings.  You will also see a colored image of the elephant that the design elephants originate from.

The Elephant Parade - A Love Story

The Elephant Parade – A Love Story

I have one small quibble with the postcard book and that is my copy, at least, doesn’t appear very sturdy.   Just flipping through it for a one time review and cards became detached 🙁 In view of the way that the book has been bound with the perforations, I would have preferred a stronger glue to hold the cards in place.

The Elephant Parade

The Elephant Parade – Lill Mimi

Not knowing about The Elephant Parade when I ordered the book online, I incorrectly assumed the coloring book featured loads of elephants in it 🙂  I should not have assumed that, because in all fairness, the cover does not depict images of elephants 🙂

Elephant Parade Postcard Colouring Book  Video Review

I hope you enjoy the video flip through review of The One and Only Elephant Parade Postcard Colouring Book

Where to Buy Elephant Parade Postcard Colouring Book

Amazon US Amazon UK Amazon Canada Book Depository

Happy coloring x



About the author


I'm Lea and I love everything to do with coloring! If it is a coloring book, a poster or even a bookmark that you can color in, I'm all over it. Of course, a girl has to have some pencils, markers, gelly rolls, pastels and what not to make those pictures pretty and I love those as well.

Whilst my coloring style lacks skill, I am enthusiastic and focused on enjoying the moment and having fun.

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