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Color Your Cocktails – Coloring Book Review

Color Your Cocktails - Terri Dennis
Written by coloringqueen
Color Your Cocktails: An Adult Coloring Book with Cocktail Recipes Buy on Amazon US| Buy on Book Depository|Buy on Amazon UK|Buy on Amazon Ca
by Terri Dennis, The Martini Diva, Terri Dennis, Pop Art Diva
Published by Createspace Independent Publishing Platform on February 3rd 2016
Style: single page illustrations
Pages: 102
Format: Soft cover

" Stir and shake up some coloring and cocktail fun with cocktails like ""You'll SHOOTER You're Eye Out!," "It's All About MEmosa!"" and classics like the Daiquiri, Gin Martini and Pina Colada. From apples to Zombies, here's 45 unique craft cocktails that cover the whole produce aisle and make use of the entire bar from gin, rum, tequila, vodka, whiskey, liqueurs and even wines. "

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Color Your Cocktails illustrated by Terri Dennis

I have to admit that Color Your Cocktails is my kind of coloring book.   It combines my love of cocktails and my love of coloring into the one book.  What more could a girl ask for?

This soft cover book has a lovely cover on it.   It is full of happy colors that make you want to crack open the Crayolas (or your brand of choice) and for me also mix a margarita 🙂  the book combines recipes with a nice image to color on each page.     I particularly like this book, because I think it would make a great gift for someone.

A simplified version of the cover is the title page in the book.   The illustrations are printed on white paper which is thin and is the type of paper used by independent coloring book artists.  The other thing I like about this book is that all the ancillary pages, title, author, copyright, table of contents have a picture to color.     These pages will also make great places to test out your markers and pencils.

Unlike most coloring books, Color Your Cocktails has a table of contents and each page is numbered for your convenience.    As this is part recipe book these additions make sense.   At the top of each page is the name of the recipe and space to write the name of the colorist.     At the foot of each page is a copyright statement and website address.

Flipping through the book to do the coloring book review I realised a very important thing.    Vodka.    There are so many flavours of vodka that I was unaware of!    I have been sick and unable to make an excursion to the local bottle shop to check this out though 🙁

The other thing I like about Color Your Cocktails is the cute names of the cocktails.   You can already envisage a good time with names like In Case of Alien Invasion Cocktail, Bad Hair Day Cocktail and the Coupe De Villain Coffee Cocktail!

Each illustration in the book is outlined with a thick black border.    The illustrations themselves in the majority have a thick black line.    This makes it easier for those with visual impairment to see the images to color.     As you may know,  I am not a fan of coloring fiddly bits (although I love looking at complex images) so I love the large spaces that a lot of the drawings have, making it easy for me to see and enjoy coloring.  I sense that this artist is very concerned about copyright as within each image you will also find a copyright statement.    It is important for artist’s to protect their copyright so I can understand that, but I will be coloring over it.   The illustrations on the whole contain images of cocktail glasses and the relevant ingredients but there are a few quirky images included like aliens and women in different states.

Integrated within the illustration you will see the clearly written instructions to make the cocktail.

Color Your Cocktails - Coloring & Recipe Book

Color Your Cocktails – Coloring & Recipe Book

Color Your Cocktails is not a high end coloring book.   It is a coloring book filled with 45 images to color and have a good time with.   At the end of the day, you have a lovely recipe book or a gift for a friend.

Color Your Cocktails

Color Your Cocktails – Cocktail Recipes & Coloring

Color Your Cocktails Coloring Book

Enjoy the video review of  Color Your Cocktails Coloring Book for adults:

At the end of the book,  you will find a lovely about the author page.   The illustration on this is really gorgeous, a woman, with a stack of books and her hair has doodles of all sorts in it.   It’s lovely!  You will find a blank page at the end of the book that you could tear out and use as a blotter between pages if you wished.

Where to Buy Color Your Cocktail Coloring Book

Amazon US Amazon UK Amazon Canada Book Depository

Happy coloring x



About the author


I'm Lea and I love everything to do with coloring! If it is a coloring book, a poster or even a bookmark that you can color in, I'm all over it. Of course, a girl has to have some pencils, markers, gelly rolls, pastels and what not to make those pictures pretty and I love those as well.

Whilst my coloring style lacks skill, I am enthusiastic and focused on enjoying the moment and having fun.

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