Italian artist, Fabiana Attansio renowned for her fairy tale based coloring books is recreating the timeless classic of Cinderella in her own unique style.
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Cinderella : An Amazing Colouring Book
Fabiana Attansio is not only a talented coloring book artist but she is a prolific coloring book artist producing a number of fairy tale based coloring books each year. All of Fabiana’s books follow a set formula with sweet images of the fairy tale characters, printed on both sides of the paper and a massive poster to color in.
At the time of writing there is no other information about the book online, so I presume it will follow the same formula as previously.
Instagram works in progress below:
Look at those tiny details being added in!
In just a few strokes Fabiana has captured the emotion in the facial details
Cinderella : An Amazing Colouring Book is due for release on 28 October 2017
You can pre order [easyazon_link identifier=”8854412201″ locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”mygamingweb-20″ cart=”n” popups=”n”]Cinderella : An Amazing Colouring Book[/easyazon_link] illustrated by Fabiana Attansio here.
Happy coloring x
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