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Cinderella : An Amazing Colouring Book

Cinderella : An Amazing Colouring Book by Fabiana Attanasio

Italian artist, Fabiana Attansio renowned for her fairy tale based coloring books is recreating the timeless classic of Cinderella in her own unique style.

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Cinderella : An Amazing Colouring Book

Fabiana Attansio is not only a talented coloring book artist but she is a prolific coloring book artist producing a number of fairy tale based coloring books each year.     All of  Fabiana’s books follow a set formula with sweet images of the fairy tale characters, printed on both sides of the paper and a massive poster to color in.

At the time of writing there is no other information about the book online, so  I presume it will follow the same formula as previously.

Instagram works in progress below:


Un altro work in progress da #cenerentola! 👗💙💎#fabillustration #wip #cinderella #ink #coloringbook

A post shared by Fabiana Attanasio (@fab_illustration) on

Look at those tiny details being added in!


Working on #cinderella today! Have a nice day!!! #coloring #coloringbook #cinderella #cenerentola #ink #wip #fabillustration

A post shared by Fabiana Attanasio (@fab_illustration) on

In just a few strokes Fabiana has captured the emotion in the facial details


Povera #cenerentola!🙁 #wip #fabillustration #ink #cinderella #coloringbook #coloring

A post shared by Fabiana Attanasio (@fab_illustration) on


Cinderella : An Amazing Colouring Book is due for release on 28 October 2017

You can pre order [easyazon_link identifier=”8854412201″ locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”mygamingweb-20″ cart=”n” popups=”n”]Cinderella : An Amazing Colouring Book[/easyazon_link] illustrated by Fabiana Attansio here.

Happy coloring x


About Fabiana Attanasio

Fabiana Attanasio was born in Rome in 1985. After graduating from the International School of Comics, she began her artistic career in the field of comics, before dedicating herself completely to illustration. She is currently working with publishers all over the world. Fabiana lives in Italy.

About the author


I'm Lea and I love everything to do with coloring! If it is a coloring book, a poster or even a bookmark that you can color in, I'm all over it. Of course, a girl has to have some pencils, markers, gelly rolls, pastels and what not to make those pictures pretty and I love those as well.

Whilst my coloring style lacks skill, I am enthusiastic and focused on enjoying the moment and having fun.

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