Adult Coloring Book Reviews

Beautiful Swears – An Adult Colouring Book

Beautiful Swears - An Adult Coloring Book
Written by coloringqueen
Beautiful Swears: An Adult Coloring Book Buy on Amazon US|Buy on Amazon UK|Buy on Amazon Ca
by Color Me Naughty
Style: single page illustrations
Format: Soft cover
This book may be unsuitable for people under 18 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or bad language.

Sweary coloring book with little variety in illustrations

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Beautiful Swears – An Adult Colouring Book Review

This book falls into the category of  “sweary” style coloring books.   It is illustrated by Color Me Naughty – an actual illustrator name has not been provided.

The book is a small, square approximately 21cm x 21cm with a soft cover.    Inside you will find a selection of common swearing expressions.     The “swears” are printed on white, single sided paper.      The paper is thin.   If you are a fan of markers, get the blotting page out and pop it between the pages.   Better yet, just remove the page with an exacto knife (careful!) and color on a clipboard.

The illustrations consist of flowers, leaves and the like with the “swear” usually centred within it.     I have to say, that I find the illustrations have a quality of “sameness about them”.   I would have preferred to see a lot more variety with the pictures and surrounding images.

As a “sweary” book it is not meant to be treasured and loved, like say Time Chamber by Daria Song.   Sweary books serve a purpose, to vent a bit of frustration and release some anger in a nice colorful way 🙂    This book would serve that purpose well.    The smallish size, in comparison to other “sweary” books makes it a good option for travelling and commuting.

Beautiful Swears Colouring Book Review

Enjoy the video review of Beautiful Swears – An Adult Coloring Book below:

Where to Buy Beautiful Swears Colouring Book

Amazon US Amazon UK Amazon Canada

Happy coloring x



About the author


I'm Lea and I love everything to do with coloring! If it is a coloring book, a poster or even a bookmark that you can color in, I'm all over it. Of course, a girl has to have some pencils, markers, gelly rolls, pastels and what not to make those pictures pretty and I love those as well.

Whilst my coloring style lacks skill, I am enthusiastic and focused on enjoying the moment and having fun.

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