Coloring Pencils/Pens/Markers Product Reviews

Astra Pastelowe Pastel Coloured Pencils Review

Use the links below to skip ahead in the video or watch the quick video here

Introduction | Sharpening | Toned Paper | Black Paper | Amazon Paper | Johanna Basford Paper | Japanese – Eriy Paper | Adding White | Blender | Water | Erasing | Swatch | Art and Wash Paper | Pros and Cons

Astra Pastelowe Pastel Coloured Pencils – Features

  • made in Poland and marketed towards children 3 and up
  • 50 pastel colors (although some are darker pastel and one is a little bright – like neon but not quite)
  • packaged in a sturdy cardboard box
  • pencils are pre-sharpened and sharpen easily
  • the pencils do not have names or numbers, making them difficult to identify
  • they blend easily on a range of papers and seem to work really well the more layers you add
  • there are no details about the binding and filler used for the pencils but they are creamy to use (not as soft as Prismacolor) and stay sharp for a long period of time
  • the pencils easily erase and I was surprised at how quickly my electric eraser could remove all the pigment without damaging the paper
  • although not water-soluble, water does tend to soften stroke marks but does not move the pigment at all
  • the colors in the range are very pretty as you can see from the swatch below
  • open stock is not available for the pencils, so if you need a replacement you will need to buy another box
  • at this time, it appears that the pencils are only available in a box of 50
  • the Pastelowe pencils offer great value for money (however shipping can be expensive if you are outside of the US, UK, or Europe)


My swatch of the Pastelowe pencils was printed on Art Spectrum Draw and Wash paper which has quite a bit of tooth

Pastelowe Colored Pencils color swatch


Where to Buy Astra Pastelowe Pastel Coloured Pencils

Happy coloring x


About the author


I'm Lea and I love everything to do with coloring! If it is a coloring book, a poster or even a bookmark that you can color in, I'm all over it. Of course, a girl has to have some pencils, markers, gelly rolls, pastels and what not to make those pictures pretty and I love those as well.

Whilst my coloring style lacks skill, I am enthusiastic and focused on enjoying the moment and having fun.

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