Adult Coloring Book Reviews Various

Adult Coloring Book Treasury: 110 Illustrations From 55 Artists

Adult Coloring Book Treasury
Written by coloringqueen
Adult Coloring Book Treasury: 110 illustrations from 55 artists Buy on Amazon US|Buy on Amazon UK|Buy on Amazon Ca
by Treasury Artists Group, Ligia Ortega
Style: single page illustrations
Format: Soft cover

The Adult Coloring Book Treasury provides great value and variety for the colorist. The collaborative efforts of the artists have ensured that this book has been produced with something for everyone and with little to no profit for the artists. The advantage to both the colorist and the artist is an introduction to their work to a greater audience. Certainly a great book to have in your collection and would make a lovely gift to someone considering taking up coloring.

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Adult Coloring Book Treasury Review: 110 Illustrations From 55 Artists

The Adult Coloring Book Treasury is a collaborative coloring book where 55 artists have combined their talents to produce a coloring book.

The book is 28 cm x 21.5 cm (8.5 x 11 inches) with a soft cover. All the illustrations have been printed on single sided white paper. The paper feels thin (60lb weight) and you will need to put a blotter between that. If you remember to insert card or a number of pieces of copy paper you will have no problems. I have seen a number of coloured images from this book where the colorists have used Bic Markers, Sharpies, Tombow Markers and the like with card between the pages. The wet mediums will show through on the reverse of the image (making a pretty pattern) but you will not damage the remaining pages if you have your trusty blotter in place.

After the title page you will find a lovely nameplate page. You will also find a brief introduction and an invitation to join the Facebook Group based on the book.

Each artist has provided two illustrations for the book. Some of the artists have selected images from different coloring books that they have created. I like it when the artists provided different styles of images as it gives you an idea of their artistic range and whether you would enjoy coloring the pictures.

On the spine side of the book the artist, together with the book/website where the original image can be obtained is set out.

I am very fond of collaborative books because of the variety of images that you can colour in. Not all of the images in the book are my taste but the majority are. I’ve also noticed that with colouring that images that I initially didn’t like, after time, I end up liking them. My tastes change as I colour more and see different images and inspiration.

Adult Coloring Book Treasury Review

Enjoy the video flip through of Adult Coloring Book Treasury below:

Where to Buy Adult Coloring Book Treasury Coloring Book

Amazon US Amazon UK Amazon Canada

Happy coloring x



About the author


I'm Lea and I love everything to do with coloring! If it is a coloring book, a poster or even a bookmark that you can color in, I'm all over it. Of course, a girl has to have some pencils, markers, gelly rolls, pastels and what not to make those pictures pretty and I love those as well.

Whilst my coloring style lacks skill, I am enthusiastic and focused on enjoying the moment and having fun.

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