How to Add an Event

You can add your event by going to this page.


My suggestions are below (of course, you are free to do as you please)

If it is a “one-off event” for instance coloring Benny Blue then you might want to title your event using the name of the book or page that you are coloring.

If you have a theme for a period of time like “Magical Jungle May”  then you would create an event for that theme using the theme as the title and setting the calendar to the relevant period.    After that theme finishes, if you have other events you will need to create a new event.

If you have a regular video spot for instance Color and Chat every Wednesday, then you would just give your title a generic name like “Color and Chat”.    This means that you could set the event up as a recurring event and never have to come back and add a new event.

You can add as many events as you wish.


Description Box

You do not have to fill in the description box if you don’t want to.   It’s a great way though of introducing what your event is about and telling people more about you.

User Data

Complete your first name and email address on the right-hand side.      At the moment there is no provision to come back and edit your listing.    I am hoping that this feature will be added shortly and that will need your email to log in to do that.  Collecting it now will make it easier to set you up in the future for this extra functionality.

Event Links

On the right-hand side,  there is no need to fill in the first field that says “Event Link”.   This page will be automatically created for you when your listing has been published.

Below this, under the More Info heading add the url to where your event is running eg your Youtube channel, Instagram or Facebook page.


Date and Time

Click the “Start Date” to open the pop-up calendar. e  You can choose the day, month and year that your event will take place.  Choose the time that your event will start using the arrows from the clock below.

You do not need to select an end date or time for your event if you do not wish to.    If you have a regular timeslot though it may be helpful for your viewers so that they can play their day.

Add an Image

Think about the image that you would like to add to your listing.  It will display at the top of the event page and in the thumbnail.     Check out my sample for Benny Blue Coloring here to see what it looks like

Upload an image from your computer that is less than 600 mb to display.

Example Scenarios

If you have a regular event, for instance, Color and Chat every Wednesday night at 8.00 p.m you can check the box that says Event Repeating.   You will then only need to add your Event once and never come back and create a new Event (unless you change your times)

If you have another event, for instance, a tutorial every Thursday morning at 7.00 a.m you would create a new event listing for this event and set it to Event Repeating.

If you are hosting a color along for say a month – then you would set the event to repeat for that month only.

Exceptional Days (Exclude Dates)

If you have a repeating event schedule you can exclude dates from your schedule.   For instance, if your repeating event falls on Christmas Day you may want to exclude that date (if you are not filming that day).   You can exclude as many days as you wish.



On the right-hand side there are some Categories to choose from.    Please tick the one box that best describes your Event.    This makes it easier for visitors to find the event that best suits them.


Most events will take place online either as webinars, live streams, pre-recorded videos, etc.    If your event is online then just leave the default “Hide location” option.

If you have an event that is taking place in person like a meetup, trade show, book launch, retreat, club – then you can add the physical location of the Event.   If you add in the latitude and longitude a map will display to assist visitors to locate your event.


This section does not need to be completed.

Note: When the function allows you to edit your own listings in the future, you could use these labels to login and update your event if something happens to your normal schedule.

Event Hosted By

That’s you!   You can add your name here.    This allows people to search for all events hosted by you, so add the name that you are known for.


You can add tags to your listing separated by a comma – for instance; coloring pencils, Prismacolors, markers



Note to Reviewer

That’s me!    You can add a note here if you need to tell me something about the listing.  For instance, you may be uncertain about the selected category, need a new category or would just like to give me virtual hugs and kisses 🙂


At the bottom of the page, you will find the captcha and submit button.   Just check the box to prove that you are not a robot (keeps the spammers away!) and click the big blue “Submit” button.


You will then see a success message at the top of the page showing that your listing has been submitted.


I will receive an email that you have submitted your listing.      I can then check that everything is okay to publish and publish the event.


You can then add more Event listings if you want (useful if you have different event topics, themes etc).

That’s it!

Social Media

Once a week on a Sunday night (Australia timezone) I’ll do a video for YouTube setting out What’s On in the Creative Community.    During the week the Events Calendar will be published on my social media accounts at Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Happy creating x


P.S If you want to provide suggestions, feedback on the Events page please contact me here